Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011
"Human Negotiations" 《人间世》

"Human Negotiations is an independent, self-funded collaboration between photographer Katharina Hesse and writer Lara Day, exploring the lives of Bangkok sex workers through images and text. Leaving aside stereotypes of exploited, downtrodden Third World females coerced into a profession in which they are passive victims, the project reveals a more nuanced, open-ended world where women take center stage, and where reality’s complexities leave room for wider interpretations. The project takes the form of a book featuring photographs and short fiction (Three Shadows Press, June 2011) as well as a multimedia work including music by Ryuichi Sakamato. The book will be officially launched on June 25 at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Beijing to coincide with a solo exhibition."

"Human Negotiations has just moved into its crucial final week on Kickstarter, and we implore you to please make your support meaningful by offering a pledge. Pledges are needed so we can cover the printing costs of our book. No matter how modest, your contribution will help."

Please contribute via Kickstarter.




Tags für diesen Beitrag 这本文章的标记: Ankündigung 通知, Fotografie 摄影

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Sound pretty interesting, so thanks for posting!

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